It doesn’t have to be perfect, just true.

When I began photographing families back in 2010 — couples in love, expecting parents, new parents, seasoned parents, thriving babies, babies fighting for their lives in the NICU, and now, having the privilege of photographing my own children.. I’ve come to realize the most important responsibility that I have as your photographer, is both protecting and celebrating your autonomy.

I have no desire to pose you just-so, or to force your children to behave in a way that feels foreign to them. Rather, I believe whole-heartedly in meeting you right where you’re at. When our time together is up, it’s my goal to have you feeling more energized and in love with your little family more than you were when you arrived. It’s my goal to have you calling your best friend to tell her how care-free & easy it was, and that you didn’t have to pull out the bribes for your kids — because they just got to play.

I feel so strongly about dropping the belief that family photos have to be stressful and intrusive. This is why I pride myself on my Quick Connection Sessions & breathing life back into our time together.

Documenting milestones & the people we love more than anything is meant to be FUN. It’s my honor to be the one to remind you of how much love you have surrounding you and how good it feels to let go and just, be.

Ready to do it differently this time? I can’t wait to create with you.